- Manufacturer: GEOMETRICS® Model: CNT-2®
- System description and main devices:PC with CNT-2 Marine Controller. WindowsTM NT/2000/XP-based, multithreaded user interface, data storage.
- Storage Media. Up to four tape drives, RAID, USB hard drive & Ethernet dedicated Hot-Swap HDD NAS.
- Streamer Power Supply Unit. Main hardware control unit, also called the “deck unit”. The deck unit accepts inputs from a shot controller, supplies a gun control output signal, and all the necessary signals for the streamer. The PC is connected via a standard CAT-5 RJ-45 Ethernet cable.
- CNT-2 Marine Controller:Set up and configure A/D modules, display data and various QC windows, and write data to disk and/or tape.
- Keep track of survey parameters, allowing previous surveys to be continued with minimal setup.
- Record and display a log of all shots, including file number, time, tape number, operator comments and other pertinent information.
- Display each shot as it is acquired. Multiple shot windows can be opened to provide various views.
- Power Requirements: 115/230 VAC, 3.0/1.5 A max, 50/60 Hz
- Voltage to Streamer: 36-72 VDC
- I/O Communications: 100Base TX Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 compliant
- Trigger Connection: BNC
- Trigger Requirements: Contact closure, positive or negative TTL
- Auxiliary Inputs: 4 analog channels with 24-bit resolution
- QC Tests: Leakage and capacitance of hydrophone elements thernet for faults and collisions.